Do you have a Newsletter?

Yes, we recommend to follow our Newsletter!

Our Newsletter allows you to receive in-depth articles on CNC and 3D printing technologies, general information on the company and news on materials, finishes and any promotions.

For this reason, we recommend that you sign up. You can unsubscribe whenever you want!


The registration for the Newsletter is automatic when you register in the website, if you accept all the conditions. 

If you prefer not to do this at first, no problem: you can do it manually later: just enter your e-mail in the dedicated field on the Home page. Afterwards, you will also receive a discount code that you can use for your order!


If you would like to unsubscribe, you can simply request this in two ways:

1. Contact the Customer Support at or via chat room.

2. Proceed manually. Enter into an email received from our Newsletter: at the bottom of the page you will find a link "Manage all notifications - Help". From there, you can decide how to manage the information you receive.